Invincible's Omni-Man Has His Butt Nerfed In New Fortnite Skin

With Invincible Season 2 releasing this month alongside Mortal Kombat 1 introducing Omni-Man to its roster of fighters, it seems more Invincible cameos are on the horizon. Fortnite’s next battle pass, expected in December, is said to also include the villain according to a recent leak, but fans have been quick to point out a flaw in Fortnite’s depiction of the comic book character.

According to some, Omni-Man’s Fortnite model has been nerfed. Specifically, his butt is much flatter in Fortnite than it is in the series and in Mortal Kombat 1. Twitter/X user DewEnjoyer did well to highlight the differences between Mortal Kombat 1’s Omni-Man character and Fortnite’s Omni-Man skin.

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Lumines Remastered- Groove Is In The Heart

Seconds after I started up Challenge Mode in Lumines Remastered, Mondo Grosso’s “Shinin'” perked up and the energetic sounds of an acoustic guitar began to weave around a trance beat. I dropped my first block, and quickly cleared the first sparkling squares of the stage, triggering that familiar twinkle sound effect. Suddenly, it was like 2004 was yesterday, 10 stages were unlocked before I even knew 45 minutes had passed, and I realized just how much I missed Lumines.

It shouldn’t have been a surprise. Many of Tetsuya Mizuguchi’s music-based games dabble in synesthesia, the concept of associating one kind of sensory memory with another. In Mizuguchi’s games, it’s the persistent marriage of sound, sight, and even touch. Lumines isn’t as all-encompassing an experience as Rez or Child of Eden–though, in a nice touch, if you have the extra controllers, Lumines Remastered does include Rez’s Trance Vibration options–but the way that it plays havoc with your senses is ve…

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